ATTENTION: Limited Spots Available!
Do You Have A Product Or Service For Coaches? Imagine What It Would Do For Your Business To Have A Highly Engaged Audience Of About 100,000 Coaches,
Eager To See What You Have To Offer.
Want Exclusive Access To Get Your Offer In Front Of My Audience, All With My Help And Personal Endorsement – Without Even Paying Me Any Affiliate Commission?

If So, Read On …

You could have the greatest offer for coaches in the history of the world.

It might be something that every single one of them should have because it would be so amazing for their businesses.

But it’s crowded and noisy in the online space, and that makes it difficult to get the attention of the coaches you want to reach – and it’s not going to get any easier in the coming years!

To make it even more challenging, coaches are also a skeptical bunch since so many have been burned by snake oil salespeople full of hot air and selling them worthless junk. They’re hesitant and have their guards up (as they should).

Imagine if there was a way to reach tens of thousands of targeted, highly-motivated coaches who need what you have?

Good news … there is!

I’m Marc Mawhinney and since 2014 I’ve worked hard to build a large following of coaches and to become a trusted voice in the coaching industry. I’ve done this with my podcast, “Natural Born Coaches” (almost 900 episodes released so far and hundreds of thousands of downloads), my Facebook Group “The Coaching Jungle” (with 26,000+ members), a large social media following across multiple platforms (about 100,000 followers), and an engaged email list of coaches that I consistently email every single day.

Since I’m all about helping coaches with their businesses, I do joint ventures with select partners who have something that will benefit coaches. When I do a joint venture, it’s not a half-assed, nonchalant effort either. I promote the heck out of my partners, and here’s what you get!

  • A live webinar where you can present your opportunity to my community. I’ll be there for it, to introduce you to my people, give my endorsement, and to help out by asking you questions during the Q and A portion at the end (this is a team effort!)
    Note: the campaign doesn’t have to be for a live webinar – it’s tailored to the partner’s preference (IE: sending people to a recorded webinar, a sales page/call, a challenge, an opt-in page, etc)
  • 7 days of promotion leading up to the live webinar (includes daily emails to my list and daily posts across all of my social media platforms).
  • ​3 Facebook Live interviews with me to promote the webinar.
  • Permission to put multiple promotional posts on “The Coaching Jungle” Facebook group wall every day and do solo Facebook Lives in the group for the duration of the JV.
  • ​An interview on the “Natural Born Coaches” podcast (thousands of downloads monthly).
  • Inclusion on “Marc’s List”- the list of recommended services and providers that stays up on my main website and in The Coaching Jungle  (only past JV partners go on this list!) 

(For campaigns booked before August 31st, 2024)

The promotion is a one-time only fee of $3995 (no affiliate commissions to be paid and you keep 100% of revenues from all sales!)

BONUS! Book a joint venture campaign with Marc and get a one year Coaching Jungle VIP membership (value $997) included!

This will allow you to make promotional posts and offers on The Coaching Jungle wall every week to 26,000+ potential clients for the next year, plus other membership perks (See for full details)!

I’m picky about who I partner with, and here’s the main criteria:
  • Your offer must be relevant for coaches, since those are my people.
  • Your offer has to be valuable and give the results that you claim (since I’m attaching my name to it).
  • ​Your offer can’t be something too similar to other joint ventures that I’ve done recently.

Interested In One Of My Limited JV Spots? Book A Call With Me Now To Chat About It!

Or, How About My “Mini JV” Packages? 

  • Includes 3 days of everything included in the 7-day JV package (except for the podcast interview)

The investment for this is a one-time only fee of $1995 (no affiliate commissions to be paid and you keep 100% of revenues from all sales).

Or, Are You Looking For MAXIMUM Exposure?

You might be the right fit for my “Super Partner” package …

The investment for this is $40,000/year (quarterly payments available), with no affiliate commissions to be paid and you keep 100% of revenues from all sales.

There’s currently an opening for a “Super Partner” for the next year. This partnership gives you massive exposure across my whole network with everything that I do … For the full year!
  • Promotion on “The Coaching Jungle” Facebook group banner and an ad that remains as a pinned post at the top of the group’s wall for the whole year.
  • A weekly post/FB Live in “The Coaching Jungle” group to promote your business.
  • A sponsorship commercial on every single episode of the “Natural Born Coaches” podcast in the next year (52 weekly episodes) and also 4 interviews on the show throughout the year!
  • 4 JV webinar promotions throughout the year
  • ​A shout-out at the bottom of each of the daily emails that I send to my list over the next year (365+ emails).

Get your offers in front of my combined audience of 100,000 people every 
single day for a whole year and watch your business explode!

Interested In Partnering up? Book A Call With me Below To Chat About It!

Looking forward to partnering with you!

Exclusive mid-roll ads are now available on the popular “Natural Born Coaches” podcast … 
You’ll get a one-minute ad for your business in the middle of every episode over three months (at least 12 episodes in total)!
$1500 USD  


“Marc and I have circled each other on social media and have been acquainted for a while. When the opportunity to partner with Marc became available it was a no-brainer to say yes. We generated over $18,000 in front end contracts, but more importantly his community is AMAZING. We are working with wonderful brands and business owners who are a perfect fit for our services. If you can, I highly recommend working with Marc.
AJ Rivera
Blink Media
“I knew Marc’s community would love Profitable Speaker Bootcamp so the JV was a no-brainer. Marc fulfilled his side of the promo on every level. He has a system that simply works. What was my ROI you ask?
Definitely will be doing this again”

Kat Halushka
Profitable Impact Academy

“I partnered with Marc to promote one of my online courses, and boy did he deliver! Marc went above and beyond … We had a ton of eyeballs on our webinar, I built my list, and I got a ROI of 250%!”
Rob Goyette
“I did a joint webinar with Marc for his audience recently, and I made $15,000 in sales on an investment of just a few thousand dollars. Very happy with the ROI!”

Sean Kemp

“When the opportunity to collaborate with Marc Mawhinney came along, I knew it was a good fit … Due to the exposure generated, my webinar registrations rose by 63.4% from my last webinar and my visibility has increased dramatically as others are still engaging and inquiring about what I do. Marc is an influencer in the coaching industry and I highly recommend doing a JV with him!”

Sofia Pacifico Reis

“Partnering with Marc on a JV was a no-brainer and his was the perfect audience for AttractWell. Not only does Marc have a large following of coaches, but he was a pleasure to work with and delivers on what he says. If you have something that can help coaches and you’re looking for a good partner, Marc’s your guy …”
Greg Kilwein

“Marc is an amazing person to work with – he’s organized, professional and dedicated! I was blown away by his care for my project and he really went above what you’d expect from someone in this industry. Everything ran smoothly, making the joint venture a success! I look forward to working with Marc for my future business and visibility needs!”

Shonte Jovan Taylor

“Whenever I start a new venture Marc is one of the first people I reach out too. He has an engaged audience of coaches hungry to learn and grow. With my last company FreeUp we did a promotion together which was one of my best investments of the year. Marc continues to be a leading figure in the coaching space!”

Nathan Hirsch
“Marc provides people with
a powerful medium for getting their
message directly to the world of coaches.
I benefited greatly from his JV program.”

Steve Chandler
Author of “The Prosperous Coach”

Know someone who would make a great JV partner for Marc? Receive a 10% referral fee – email!

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